Mystery photo
This photo was brought in by Bill Scott, son of Jack and Minnie Alice Scott. It is from the Winfield Scott from Guston, KY photo collection. Pictured in it is Brandenburg Wharf and a steam boat behind. In the background is a house and what could be the top of the hill on Main Street…
Mystery Artifact
This was dropped off at the museum by someone who is wanting to find out more about it. Here is what we can tell so far. On either side around the rim is a dried epoxy type of glue, indicating it might have been a-fixed between two other materials. We looked at the inscription under…
Pee Wee Reese Exhibit
Two groups have recently contributed to the Pee Wee Reese exhibit, the du Pont Manual High School Alumni Association and Bailey Mazik, of the Louisville Slugger Museum. Alan Goulder (on the right) and Chris Hoehle (on the left) of the Manual Hall of Fame and Alumni Association contributed photographs of Pee Wee Reese. Bailey Mazik…